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Why All The Attacks?

This is inspired by the Ariana Grande concert bombing in Manchester and other terror attacks.

It is so messed up that people feel the need to bomb such public places especially to die with the bomb. I don't understand why religion is so important that you have to die for it. I thought religion is to bring groups of people together but all it is actually doing is tearing people apart. I do not think that is what god (whether you believe in god or not) intended. What I understand god as, is a higher being that wants people to believe in them in order to bring their followers happiness and good fortune. I do not think any god no matter what religion you believe in would want to see the terror that is going on here. It is messed up that people express their hatred of certain people or groups through their religion and blame it on god wanting this.

The reason religion was created in the first place was to explain the unexplainable and to bring bands of people together for trade and other such reasons. I am by no means knowledgeable about religion but I do know that people are influenced by something in their lives to make decisions such as these and whatever inspired such decisions must be stopped because it kills so many innocent people who have never behaved wrongly in their lives. That concert had young kids and parents who were thinking; this is going to be a fun night to build new bonds with people and to have new experiences. Now what people are going to think is; I can’t go to public places any more there may be something bad. To put people in the position of fear where they feel vulnerable to everything is not right or fair. No child or anyone for that matter should grow in fear of their every action.

Why do people feel the need to hurt? If it is something in your life where you were hurt and it is an act of revenge that is not a good solution. Rather than hurting you can help people who have been hurt as well. I feel that religion should be something practiced peacefully but also mindfully. I understand that some religions have bad connotations that aren't true such as all muslims being terrorist. These kinds of acts of terror are not just the fault of the religion it is the faults of the people who do not know much about other religions and feel the need to put them down for their beliefs. What we should all be doing is educating ourselves in the beliefs of other religions and become more cultured by meeting people of different races, religions, and sexualites. I don't know about you but I do not want to grow up in a world where I have to mind every action I take and its affect on my life and the lives of other people

This article is written by myself and I am by no means educated about religion and I am not going to make my religious beliefs clear as to not affect people's opinions of me. I also called god they, them so that not to upset different people. Last but not least yes I have kept in mind polytheistic religions and I am not trying to offend people in any way as well as non religious.

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